Bilkent University Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy


Prokopton is an annual online journal. It is first of its kind in Turkey as a refereed international academic journal of philosophy for undergraduate students. ‘Prokopton’, as a Greek term used by Stoics, means making progress toward truth or being a student of wisdom.

Check out our published issues here. If you would like to submit your work for our next issue, please take a look at our submission guidelines.

Our managing editorial board consists of philosophy students at Bilkent. We also organize Bilkent’s International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. The polished versions of the papers presented at our conference have a good chance of being published in our journal.

Prokopton was founded in 2020 by Berk Celayir, Gamze Büşra Kaya, and Mete Han Gencer.

We are grateful for the support of the Department of Philosophy at Bilkent, especially for the supervision of Dr. Tufan Kıymaz.